10 Helpful GoPro Photography Tips

Don’t Just Take One Shot

One of the best GoPro photography tips I can give is to never just take a single shot. If you check out the settings on your camera you will see that you have the option for both time lapse or burst shots.
By taking more than one shot you increase your chances of getting the ideal photo that you’re looking for and you don’t have to worry about any blurry or out of frame images.
There isn’t any stabilization built into the GoPro cameras so when you’re able to look through some burst shots you can choose the best one and get rid of the others.
For this you can either use a 30-second burst or set the time lapse to take a photo every 0.5 seconds. This way you will have more than one photo to work with and it’s more likely you’ll find that• incredible shot you were looking for.

Keep an Eye on the Battery Life

Nothing is worse than going to take a photo only to find that your GoPro has run out of batteries. There are two ways that you can easily manage the battery life on your camera.
One way is to check the screen on the front every so often to see how much battery life is left. There is an indicator that will show you whether the battery is full, half full or just about to die. When it’s flashing you know that it’s time to head back and charge your GoPro.
Alternatively, you can purchase a few spare batteries and bring them with you. This way you don’t ever have to leave your GoPro behind the charge and running out of battery life will become one less thing you to worry about.
There are a few settings you can change to increase your GoPro battery life. Try not to use the Bluetooth Wi-Fi unless you really have to. It’s better to take a few extra shots than connects to the app and try to frame it perfectly using your phone.
If you’re going to be out all day exploring then try to keep the GoPro turned off when you’re not using it. However, if you are only going to be out for a few hours that it’s better to leave it on and in standby mode.
Expect about 90 minutes to 2 hours of being able to take photos and capture video on a single battery. I personally carry one extra battery with me at all times and I recommend you do the same.

Get Up Close

The wide angle of the GoPro means that the further away you are from the subject the smaller the subject will look. Whether you are trying to photograph a building or your friends it’s a good idea to get up close.
You should experiment before you leave on your trip to see how close you really need to get but you will actually be surprised with how close you can stand to what you are photographing and still be able to capture an incredible shot.
If you are just getting started then I recommend using the GoPro app with your smartphone but only until you figure it out the range you need for the ideal photo.
Even when you are taking selfies you’ll notice right away that the camera held out at arms length is still able to capture quite a bit of your surroundings.
The same goes with regular photos that you take so it’s always a good idea to get close to your subject and even closer than what would seem reasonable with a normal point-and-shoot or DSLR camera

Use Mounts

Another one of the best GoPro photography tips I can give is to always try to use a mount with your camera.There are so many different mounts available that you will definitely be able to find one that you prefer using and each of them, when used correctly, can definitely enhance the quality of photographs you take.
For example the three arm mount can be used as a travel tripod, selfie stick and even as a manual stabilizer or handheld grip mount for the camera.
The suction cup mount is great for sticking to flat surfaces and grabbing unique photographs or interesting time lapses.
Regardless of the mount you use they all have a certain purpose that will definitely enhance your photos and I recommend traveling with at least two or three different mounts that are versatile and useful for the situations and scenarios you will be traveling in.
What have you learned about taking gopro photo? Click here to get gopro accessories for your gopro camera while travelling or adventure.
Here is a video about Unboxing zookki accessories kits for gopro hero camera for your reference

The Benefit Of Keeping Pets

For many people, pets are an important source of love and friendship. It is also a well-known fact that pets are good for our health.

It’s obvious that we benefit from taking regular exercise when walking a dog. However, it is not commonly known that over the last thirty years, there has been increasing scientific evidence that pets can help to keep us fit and well – pets can even help speed up recovery after major illness.


Promoting Health

A study at Cambridge University found that owning a pet produced improvements in general health in as little as one month. This continued over the 10 month study1. Pet owners were found to suffer fewer ailments, such as headaches, colds and hayfever.

Beating Stress

Stroking a pet or simply watching a fish swim in an aquarium helps us to relax. Indeed, the mere presence of a pet seems to have the same effect, reducing heart beat rate and lowering blood pressure.

Research has shown that this effect is particularly marked in people suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension). The reduction in blood pressure is equivalent to that gained by eating a low salt diet or cutting down on alcohol consumption.

Preventing Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the UK’s biggest killers, yet it is another area where pets provide health benefits.
One study showed that keeping a pet significantly reduced levels of cholesterol and blood triglyceride (two factors believed to influence the disease). These effects could not be explained by differences in diet, smoking or socio-economic group2. This fact, combined with the reduction in blood pressure from being with a pet, may make pet owners less prone to heart attacks than non pet-owners.

Overcoming Heart Disease

Pet ownership proved to be one of the best predictors of survival from a heart attack, according to an American study. The study showed that those patients who owned a pet had a much better chance of surviving for more than a year after a heart attack – a difference which could not be explained by the extra exercise the dog owners enjoyed3.

Pets can also offer a psychological and social boost to our lives:

Psychological Benefits:

Children who own pets are often less self centred than those who do not.
Psychiatrically ill people were happier as a result of looking after a pet.
Social Benefits:

Pets provide companionship and promote a general feeling of well being, for example pets in residential homes improve both patient and staff morale.
Pets can lessen the feelings of isolation and loneliness and provide a sense of purpose elderly people. Having to make the effort to care for a pet on a regular basis provides a feeling of fulfillment.

Ice breaker

Pets have been described as a social lubricant. Attending dog training classes, visiting the vet and walking in the park all provide opportunities to meet and talk to other people. Studies have shown that people walking a dog have far more positive encounters with others than those out walking alone, with the pet often providing a topic of conversation 4.

Educational Stimulus

As well as all the fun elements associated with owning a pet, pets can bring many educational benefits.

Owning a pet can teach a child about the responsibilities of life and mutual trust. By feeding and exercising a pet, children can also develop an understanding of daily care. Children with learning difficulties can also benefit from interaction with pets. One study found that the presence of a dog helped to channel the children’s attention and responsiveness towards the therapist’s suggestion – in effect, the dog helped increase the attention span of the children.


Pets provide us with loyalty, companionship, love and affection, as well as the many physical and psychological benefits. The least we can do to repay this is ensure that we keep them in the best of health by following the four golden rules to pet ownership (see overleaf).

A healthy pet is a happy pet and a happy pet can help us enjoy a much fuller and more rewarding life.
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Tips for GoPro Underwater Video

The GoPro HERO4 is one of the most popular cameras for shooting underwater video. Compact size, incredible resolution, a variety of framerates, an LCD display, customizable Protune shooting mode, and an affordable price in relation to other video systems have all helped GoPro earn this position in the market. GoPro Hero cameras can shoot macro, wide-angle, and anything in between, and can be used in ambient light, with underwater filters, or with video lights. This versatility makes the GoPro a great option as a primary video tool or as an accessory to larger, more manual video systems.

In this tutorial we take a look at three tips for improving your underwater video in-camera, no matter which GoPro model you’re shooting

1. Keep Steady

The concept seems simple, but it’s very easy to forget that we’re filming video during the most exciting moments underwater. Because the GoPro has such a wide field of view and automatic settings, divers often take for granted that we’ll get the subject in the frame and lose focus on the fact that we are trying to record the best video clip possible. This is totally fine for casual videographers, but a serious video shooter will remain cognizant of the final product they want from their GoPro, remaining as steady as possible to produce a well-composed and shake-free video clip.

Yes, this concentration on keeping the camera steady takes away from the experience with the subject, but this is the tradeoff as a beginner. Experienced videographers will slowly learn to blend their experience with the animal and capturing exceptional video into one seemless process.

One trick to recording steady GoPro footage is to use a wide GoPro tray and handle setup. I have often dived with the rig below on my BCD to shoot video in between DSLR still photos.

2. Remember your Handles

Video handles are essential for all clips, and often necessary for editing GoPro underwater footage. What are they? Video handles are the extra footage before and after the section of the clip we want to show that we cut out of the final video. We don’t clearly see these frames in the edited video, however they are seen by the editing software and are needed for transitions where the first clip and second clip are overlapping or being blended together. In other words, we will not use the handles for cut transitions where the clip abruptly switches to the next clip, but we will use them during fades, dissolves and other transitions that show more passage of time or indicate change of scene.

3. Shoot with the Sun Behind You

This is one of the secrets of underwater photography and videography. GoPro cameras perform their best in great light conditions, so it’s important to be aware of the best conditions anytime we’re shooting below the surface. When the sun is at your back you will see more light on objects in your field of view, creating a more pleasing image than shooting backlit silhouettes. Shooting with the sun at your back also reduces backscatter and haziness in the water. With more light, the GoPro will shoot at a lower ISO and filters will have the light they need to help create a more realistic white balance. If using the GoPro Hero’s low light mode, shooting with the sun at your back will help keep the camera from dropping the recording framerate (which could present an issue during post-processing).  This sun rule applies for both shallow and deep water diving.

What have you learned about making underwater video? Click here to get gopro accessories for your gopro camera while travelling or adventure.
Here is a video about Zookki gopro accessories kits unboxing and review for your reference.

How To Take Great Photo With Gopro

If you bought a GoPro to record the more adventurous portions of your life, whether that be a supersonic skydive from the stratosphere or simply your morning commute, chances are you’re pretty happy with it. But what about all those nifty GoPro videos you see online that have the production value of a Martin Scorcese film? While many of those might actually possess a bit of professional post-production, there’s still a few tips and tricks we recommend employing to turn your basic videos into masterpieces. These won’t necessarily make the Academy come calling but, hey, you need to start somewhere, right?
Mounting, filters, angles, and stabilization
Use a mount
We also recommend testing out different places to mount the camera to determine which spots work best for producing smooth shots, correct angles (more on this below), and all of the desired action. Different mounts can provide different POVs, which can help tell the story you envisioned. For example, a camera mounted on a bike helmet can provide a view from the rider’s eyes, but a camera mounted on the bike to face the back can capture other riders trailing you – two different views from the same moment.
From clamps to suction cups, GoPro makes a variety of mounts (a reason why they are so popular), but there are plenty of third-party accessories, as well, so your options are wide.
Find a new angle
A GoPro offers a very wide angle of view that makes it easy to capture the action, but to create truly interesting videos, you should do more than simply set it and forget it. Change up the angle to give viewers a comprehensive view of what’s going on, rather than just sticking to one viewpoint. For example, when recording action, it’s most common to mount a forward-facing GoPro, but sometimes looking back at yourself can produce equally entertaining footage. If you’ll be repeating an action many times throughout the day, say for surfing or snowboarding, consider repositioning the camera on each run to capture a greater variety of shots.
Use filters to improve video quality
Photographers and filmmakers alike utilize an array of filters — and we aren’t referring to the color-altering filters in Instagram — to improve the final version of any photos or videos. For instance, using a neutral density filter works wonders when filming in bright environments by allowing for a slower shutter speed, which keeps footage from looking too jarring like the beach landing scene in Saving Private Ryan. For filming underwater, use a red filter to help remove the blue-green colorcast. There exists a host of available filters to choose from, so the sky is the limit when it comes to giving your videos a unique look and feel.
Stabilize the camera
One of the best things about GoPro cameras being as ubiquitous as they are is that third-party accessories are equally common. For stationary shots, nothing beats a tripod when it comes to stability. As a GoPro is very lightweight, there’s no need to get a heavy duty set of sticks for it, but do consider a tripod with a fluid pan head. This will let you make smooth pans to follow a subject or reveal a landscape.
For stabilizing shots in motion, there’s nothing better than a powered gimbal. Gimbals use motors to counteract shaky hands and other motion, producing incredibly smooth footage in virtually any setting. Many camera drones often feature built-in gimbals in order to keep a steady shot when filming in turbulent air. These devices don’t exactly come cheap, however, so expect to spend at least a few hundred dollars to get something worthwhile.
Don’t have the cash for a gimbal or a tripod? While this next tip may seem a bit odd, it does allow you to keep some hard-earned dough in your pocket. To achieve a consistently stable shot, simply press your GoPro camera against your face – yes, your face – while tracking whatever it is you intend to film. Obviously this method of stabilization works best when your surroundings don’t require the use of both of your hands, as we wouldn’t recommend trying to pull this off while, say, mountain biking. Still, if you’re looking for a cheap, effective way to record stable video, sticking a GoPro against your face is as good as it gets. This tip works with any type of digital camera too.
Follow these tips, and your GoPro footage will look totally pro. Can’t guarantee the same for your boarding skills, though; that’s a whole different post.

Click here to see  gopro hero 4 accessories kit unboxing 2016 by zookki-uk

Tips On How To Cliff Jump Without Getting Hurt

These are just some general ideas that you should take into consideration. We also recommend that you get a serious training from someone with experience at first and if you are indeed a beginner, start with relatively small cliffs.

1. Don’t go cliff diving alone. Take your friends along, in case something goes wrong. Besides, this way things could be a lot more fun.

2. Make sure you wait for your friends to step out of the water before you decide to make the jump. This will make things easier for you to concentrate and will prevent hurting anyone.If you have a neoprene wetsuit bring it along. If you’re a beginner, bring your sneakers too.

3. Before doing a cliff jump, keep in mind that pressure can be a huge issue and take care of your ears by using a few drops of olive oil or silicone.

4. Check out how deep the water is. You can do that by engaging in a little research on that particular river or lake or simply ask someone that can help you with this information. If you happen to be out in the wild and are in a situation when you have to jump- this is a movie-like scenario, but you never know-, here’s an interesting solution you could try: find some natural vegetation that could be used as a rope, tie it together and then tie a rock at the end of it. This way, by throwing the rock in the water, you will know approximatively how deep it is. If it is less than 4 meters, then it is not safe, so you should search for alternatives. Also, be aware of the tides in the area. If you are a good swimmer, you can try twisting in order to escape the currents.

5.  It is important to start safe. This involves a few things: first off, you must be confident, chickening out is not an option as it could really influence the way you dive. You need to be 100% lucid in order to control your body during the jump. Also, a steady starting place is necessarily in order to look around at first and calculate your jump at your own pace.

6. Make sure you have enough space and time to make your move by calculating the distance and visualize your jump in your head before take off. Start your jump by having your arms tight to the body in a straight position. 

7. Jump feet first! It is said that most of the professional cliff divers (in fact, 98% ) dive in this manner, mainly because diving head first is very dangerous.

8.  Learn to enjoy the time spent in the air. This may seem like a crazy advice, but it is a great sensation once you manage to relax. This will of course occur in time. Once your body is loose, you will have more control over it.

9. When your body hits the water, it should have a tight and dynamic shape. Keep your toes stretched and arms very close to your body, so you could slide freely and easily.

10. As you start to come in contact with the water, remember to breathe out through your nose, not to let any water affect your breathing process.

After getting these tips for cliff jumping, would you like to try them out with recording your exciting moment, take those accessories with you to totally enjoy  your journey,you may click zookki, Below is gopro cliff jumping with zookki for your reference:

In case you have experienced this semi-extreme sport and want to add some information or advice, feel free to leave a comment.

How To Make a GoPro Timelapse Video

  1. Frame It Up Well: The first time I used the GoPro to shoot a time-lapse series I was so excited about what I was doing (with the camera) that I forgot what I was actually doing (shooting images). What I ended up with was 2000 poorly framed and poorly exposed images. Which I deleted after we returned home from the Galapagos. It was a few hours of Galapagos midday sky and water activity – and it would have been beautiful if I had just taken my time setting up the shot.
  2. Use a Tripod: Without a tripod, your images will not blend properly into a watchable video. I travel with a Joby Gorillapod (the one for dSLR cameras) which works well for the GoPro and the much heavier dSLR cameras. This way I don’t have to carry two tripods. The attachments and mounts come with the GoPro kit. To setup like I did below, you’ll just need the Gorillapod – and it’s worth every cent.
  3. Don’t Worry About Every Image: Not every image is going to be good. Don’t worry about it. When you sit down to create your video, you can quickly scroll through the images and delete any that have an extra object. The first image below shows me grasping for a memory card as it fell into the water. The other 2 images show me checking on the GoPro display to make sure it still had enough memory and then taking a photo of the setup with another camera. Because of the number of photos used, you can easily delete the ones that you aren’t happy with – and no one else will know.
  4. Use a Large (and Fast) Memory Card: After reading about it on a number of blogs – I ordered a 32GB Class 10 memory card. While a slower card might be okay for a point-and-shoot camera, the GoPro is made to produce high resolution images very fast. A slower card probably won’t keep up with the incoming new images. And when you are shooting your time-lapse, the last thing you want to worry about is running out of memory.
  5. Be Prepared to Wait: You will need to have patience. Don’t setup a time-lapse unless you have some time on your hands. The video below took 90 minutes of shooting to produce a 30 second video. The settings I used are below. Because I used a good tripod, I was able to walk around, play in the sand with my daughter and walk in the waves with Dena. I’m in a number of the shots.
  6. Take Your Time Editing: Every time-lapse is different. There is no rule that determines what your frame rate playback should be. I have had good success with 15 fps for clouds and sunsets. But this frame rate makes road traffic look like it is hyperactive. Experiment and have fun. You might need to output each set of images a few different ways to see what looks best. And choose some appropriate music. Because a time-lapse is just a bunch of photos, there is no sound. You will need to add something to the clip to keep it alive.
  7. Click here to see best gopro accessories kit must have 2016,and for more amazing video of ZOOKKI, please subscribe ZOOKKI YouTube Channel.

How to Take Photos While Snowboarding

If you’re reading this, you love snowboarding. You love watching snowboarding videos online. You’ve probably thought about making videos of your own adventures on the slopes. But wait! Put down your board, take that GoPro off your head, and read this first.

Abe Alzouman, a professional video editor who specializes in extreme sports, says that if you want your GoPro videos to turn out amazing, you should follow these five tips:
1. Use the right settings!

Abe recommends 720p at the maximum frames per second (fps) your camera allows (that’s 120fps on the latest GoPro model). This is the best setting for super slomo. But if you’re, say, hanging out in your hotel room, cut your fps in half.

This will allow more light to hit each frame and give you a much brighter and better picture,” explains Abe.

Use the maximum fps so you can see your jumps in super slomo. (Works for kiteboarding and snowkiting too!)
2. Use Protune wisely

Protune gives professional editors a much wider range of colours and brightness to work with, but it doesn’t make raw footage look that great. If you know you’re taking your footage to a professional editor, turn Protune on. If you’re editing the video yourself, turn it off.

3. Shoot the same scenes from multiple angles

If you’re shooting your own run, do it a few times with the camera mounted in different positions. If you’re shooting someone else, put yourself in a different filming position on each run. The different versions can be edited together to give the sequence a multi-dimensional look.

Pass the GoPro around and shoot from different positions to make your video multi-dimensional.
4. Take photos, too

Adding photos to your video makes the rhythm more interesting. But don’t use the simultaneous photo and video setting—you’ll lose half your fps. Abe recommends using the 12MP Wide to get the best photo quality. Try the multi-shot settings: Abe likes 5 shots per second (sps) for getting good group photos and 30/2sec for shooting a jump or trick.

5. Get closer

GoPro footage looks best when you’re up close and personal. If you’re filming a friend going off a jump, get as close as you can (assuming you trust your friend’s jumping skills, of course). If you’re shooting from a distance, try to have something stationary in the foreground. Abe says, “Seriously, it looks so much cooler the closer you are to your subjects.”

Follow these tips, and your GoPro footage will look totally pro. Can’t guarantee the same for your boarding skills, though; that’s a whole different post.

Click here to see  gopro snowboarding 2016 with zookki

About the Author 

Laurel Shane is a freelance writer and editor who regularly writes about video for VideoTov, an online video-editing service.

The Best ZOOKKI GoPro Accessories for 2016

Action cameras are great, but without the right mounts, grips and filters, you might struggle to capture footage that does your action-packed adventure (or extreme lawn mowing session) justice. Checking at some of our favorite GoPro accessories which will help you capture unique angles, mount your camera from everything from a speeding car to a dog, and keep shooting when other GoPro users are staring at a low battery warning.
We’re going to assume you’re already stocked up on the more boring accessories such as spare batteries and memory cards, and focus on some of the more fun GoPro add-ons. That said, while many of these accessories are designed specifically for the ubiquitous GoPro cameras, others will work just as well if you rock another brand of action cam like aTomTom Bandit or Sony Action Cam rather than a Hero4 Black, Silver, or Session.
Gopro Chestry

ZOOKKI gopro accesssories review

When you think about wearing a GoPro, your probably picture some idiot walking around with a camera strapped to their forehead. The GoPro Chesty offers a more subtle body-mounting alternative and, as the name suggests, lets you wear the camera on your chest thanks to a harness with a quick release buckle. It comes in adult and kids sizes.
The gopro chestry is available at Amazon
Gopro Helmet Front Mount


Attaching a GoPro action camera to the front of a helmet has been used to capture some of the most compelling and immersive action footage you’ll find. But if you are going to do this you need to ensure you do it safely to protect your noggin. GoPro makes a point of directing you to use a helmet that meets the applicable safety standards when using its Helmet Front Mount which attaches using a curved adhesive mount.  The gopro helmet front mount is available atAmazon
Tripod Mount
Sometimes the best place for your GoPro action camera isn’t spinning around your head, attached to your surfboard, or strapped to your chest; it’s on a good old-fashioned and sturdy tripod. The GoPro Tripod Mount set lets you easily attach the proprietary GoPro mount to a tripod, stand, selfie-stick or anything else which requires a standard tripod thread. The set includes a tripod mount and a quick release tripod mount for those times you need to move between shots quickly.  The tripod monut is avaialble at Amazon
GoPro Handlebar / Seatpost / Pole Mounta
If you own a GoPro action camera, chances are there will come a time that you want to attach it to a bike, ski poles, or something else with a bar. On those occasions you can’t go wrong with GoPro’s own handlebar/seatpost/pole mount. It consists of a clamp which fits around tubes of various sizes, and a three-way pivot arm to ensure you are shooting from the angle you want to be.
That’s it for our selection of the best GoPro accessories, but we’re sure there are others that you couldn’t live without, and we’d love to know what they are. Let us know what your must-have GoPro accessories are in the comments section below. ( please follow and stay close some giveaways on Facebook/Instagram/Google+)
Here  is  Best ZOOKKI GoPro Accessories review for your reference.